Use this method to mass create new products, groups, and tags within your product catalog.

Note: Only one Create/Update mass products call can be executed at a time. Please wait until one call is completed before sending another request to create or update a products. To get an update once each request is completed, make sure to specify a result_callback_url or return_email_address.



Only one Create/Update mass products call can be executed at a time. Please wait until one call is completed before sending another request to create or update a products. To get an update once each request is completed, make sure to specify a result_callback_url or return_email_address.

  • Product group is limited to 100 lowercase alphanumeric characters (a...z, 0...9) and the "_" and
    "-" symbols, without spaces.
  • Each individual call can accept a maximum of 300 products. Sending more than this number may result in a request timeout or failure.
  • SKUs cannot contain spaces.

Product Grouping

Use this endpoint and the Update mass products endpoint to create and update product groups, respectively.

You may define a callback URL to receive an asynchronous update once each request is complete and/or an email address to receive a report once your request is processed.

Product Specs

  • Universal Product Code upc: "upc value",
  • Manufacturer Part Number mpn: "mpn value",
  • Brand brand: "Yotpo",
  • International Standard Book Number isbn: "isbn value"
  • Stock-keeping unit sku: "ski value"
  • European Article Number ean: "ean value"
  • External stock-keeping unit external_sku: "external_sku value". This is a value you supply that represents a unique value within the domain.


Product Tagging:

Products can accept one tag per product and may not contain commas (,)
Adding more than one product tag per product will result in a failed request (400 Error)
As a result, no new products will be created.



For a list of ISO currency codes, click here



  • Trailing spaces are automatically stripped in the product specification.
    • Any combination of leading zeros (“0”), leading spaces and leading dashes (“-“) are automatically stripped in the product specification.
    • SKU only supports alphanumeric (a...z, A...Z, 0...9), "_" and "-" characters and cannot contain spaces.
    • The product specification value is case-sensitive.
    • The product specification value “N/A” is invalid in any case and is ignored.

If there is an error in the data that you submit, you receive an errors object in the response with the following information:

Parameter NameDescription
fieldThe field where the error occurred.
errorDescription of the error in the field.