Use this method to mass update products, groups, and tags within your product catalog.

Note: Only one Create/Update mass products call can be executed at a time. Please wait until one call is completed before sending another request to create or update a products. To get an update once each request is completed, make sure to specify a request_callback_url or return_email address.



Only valid parameters will overwrite existing data. Excluding the description parameter or passing the description parameter without a value will override and erase any existing description.



Only one Create/Update mass products call can be executed at a time. Please wait until one call is completed before sending another request to create or update a products. To get an update once each request is completed, make sure to specify a request_callback_url or return_email address.

  • Product group names support up to 100 characters
    *Each individual call can accept a maximum of 300 products. Sending more than this number may result in a request timeout or failure.
  • SKUs cannot contain spaces.

Product Grouping

Use the Create mass products endpoint and this endpoint to create and update product groups, respectively.

You may define a callback URL to receive an asynchronous update once each request is complete and/or an email address to receive a report once your request is processed.

Product Tagging

Products can accept one tag per product and may not contain commas (,)
Adding more than one product tag per product will result in a failed request (400 Error)
As a result, no new products will be created.

Product Specs

  • Universal Product Code upc: "upc-value",
  • Manufacturer Part Number mpn: "mpn-value",
  • Brand brand: "Yotpo",
  • International Standard Book Number isbn: "isbn-value"
  • Stock-keeping unit sku: "sku-value"
  • External stock-keeping unit external_sku: "external_sku value". This is a value you supply that represents a unique value within the domain.



For a list of ISO currency codes, go to



  • Trailing spaces are automatically stripped in the product specification.
  • Any combination of leading zeros (“0”), leading spaces and leading dashes (“-“) are automatically stripped in the product specification.
  • The product specification only supports alphanumeric (a...z, A...Z, 0...9), "_" and "-" characters.
  • The product specification value is case-sensitive.
  • The product specification value “N/A” is invalid in any case and is ignored.

If there is an error in the data that you submit, you receive an errors object in the response with the following information:

Parameter NameDescription
fieldThe field where the error occurred.
errorDescription of the error in the field.