Product Grouping allows you to create groups of related products and share reviews between all the products in the same group.

For example, say you sell a certain style of shoe in a range of colors. Your customers may only leave a small number of reviews for each color. By grouping products, you can show reviews for all the colors for that style.

Creating product groups via the API is easy and divided into three steps: creating the group, listing the groups, and filling the group with products.

  1. Create a product group using the POST method.

  2. Use the group name (the same name you used in order to create the group) to populate the group with products.



Products are identified by the product_id sent to Yotpo from the platform (store). If you're not sure what about the product id, browse your product page in your browser's DevTools and search for a div with a class yotpo-main-widget in the source code. The product id listed under the data-product-id attribute of that div is usually the product id Yotpo will have stored.