The Orders resource is used to create, modify and retrieve orders in the Yotpo system. Orders in Yotpo system represents purchases made in the store. Yotpo uses these orders to help generate more reviews from past shoppers.



An order may contain several purchases. A purchase is a transaction for a specific product.

Order endpoints

  • Create an order - Create an order in your Yotpo store
  • Create mass orders - Create mass orders in your Yotpo store
  • Retrieve orders - Retrieve a list of orders for your Yotpo store
  • Invalidate an order - Stop sending emails after purchase for a specific order and specific product. If you don't specify which product in the order, then all products in that order.



  • If you use a Product ID that doesn't exist, the product is added to the database.
  • If you use the Product ID for more than one product, the Product ID is assigned to the last product you entered.