This endpoint is available for Yotpo SMS & Email
Good to know
- This endpoint requires an API integration
- If you are using Yotpo SMS & Email subscription tools, you do not need to use this endpoint as all subscribers will be synced automatically
- If you want to create an audience using these subscribers, you can use the source 'Subscription form. To learn more, go to Introduction to Creating SMS Marketing Segments
- Create or update subscriber - Syncs subscribers from any subscription collection tool to Yotpo.
Subscriber properties
Listed below are all of the available properties for subscribers.
'Customer' section
Field | Type | Description |
phone (required) | string | The phone number in E.164 format. Max. length: 15 characters |
email (required) | string | The customer's email address |
first_name (optional) | string | The customer's first name |
last_name (optional) | string | The customer's last name |
'Channels' section - SMS
Field | Type | Description |
consent (required) | string | This is the state of the customer consent for SMS messages. The possible values are ‘subscribed’ or ‘unsubscribed’. If the field is left blank, the consent will be marked as ‘never subscribed’ |
list_id (required) | integer | The ID of the list the SMS subscribers will be added to |
source | string | This is the source of the SMS consent, for example, ‘welcome_popup’. The field is optional. Min length: 3 characters; Max length: 40 characters |
'Channels' section - email
Field | Type | Description |
consent (required) | string | This is the state of the customer consent for emails. The possible values are ‘subscribed’ or ‘unsubscribed’. If the field is left blank, the consent will be marked as ‘never subscribed’ |
list_id (required) | integer | The ID of the list the email subscribers will be added to |
source | string | This is the source of the email consent, for example, ‘welcome_popup’. The field is optional. Min length: 3 characters; Max length: 40 characters |
suppress_email | string | The status of the suppression of the email. The possible values are ‘true’ or ‘false’. If left blank, the value of the field will default to ‘false’. The field is optional |
suppression_reason | string | The reason for suppressing the email. The possible values are ‘soft_bounce’, ‘hard_bounce’, and ‘manual_suppression’. If left blank, it defaults to ‘manual_suppression’. |
timestamp | datetime | The timestamp of the suppression. The format of this date field is Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\Z (example - 2014-06-24T22:37:13.151Z). If left blank, it defaults to the time and date when the endpoint is hit. The field is optional. |
suppress_welcome_messages | string | This field’s value defines whether the subscriber will receive welcome flow messages for the channel(s) they’re subscribed to using the endpoint. The possible values are: ‘true’ - No welcome message will be sent ‘false’ - A welcome message will be sent If left blank, the value defaults to ‘false’. The field is optional |