Table of contents

Here are all of the endpoints available for the Core API:

AuthenticationGenerate the API utoken necessary to authenticate Yotpo's API calls.
OrdersSync your store orders to Yotpo.
Order fulfillmentsSync the status of your orders to Yotpo.
Aggregated Order InformationSend aggregated information about your orders, fulfillments, and products to your Yotpo product catalog in a single API call.
CheckoutsSync checkout information to Yotpo.
CustomersSync customer information to Yotpo.
ProductsSync your store product catalog to Yotpo.
Product variantsSync your product variants to Yotpo.
CollectionsSync your store collections to Yotpo.
WebhooksUse webhooks to get notifications about events taking place in your Yotpo products.
Common objectsThese are common Core API objects used across multiple API operations.
Yotpo SMS & Email subscribersSync your Yotpo SMS & Email subscribers.
Yotpo SMS & Email analyticsGet analytics data from Yotpo SMS & Email to use in your business and research tools.